Spring Creek Baptist Church is located on Rayford Rd., just southeast of The Woodlands, Texas, and west of the Grand Parkway (SH 99).
Welcome to
Spring Creek Baptist Church
Welcome to
Spring Creek Baptist Church
Spring Creek Baptist Church is located on Rayford Rd., just southeast of The Woodlands, Texas, and west of the Grand Parkway (SH 99).
Get Connected with Spring Creek Baptist Church
Click the icons to find us on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram
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Planning a Visit?
Pre-register your children birth through 6th grade for our Children's Outback
Join us for worship Sunday at 11:00am
for our current sermon series
Click the picture to watch the YouTube livestream
Join us for morning Bible Study at 9:45am
Connect with Us
Weekly Services Schedule
(services in green can be accessed directly by clicking on service name)
Bible Study - 9:45am
Worship In Person & Livestreamed on YouTube - 11am
Adult Fellowship and Worship - 6:30pm
Kids Blitz Children Program (K-6) 6:30pm
Youth Group (Grades 7-12) 6:30pm